Morte nel tunnel (2964)

settembre 26th, 2008 by Moderatore


Londra, ora di punta. Un killer senza volto si scatena nel sistema delle metropolitane. Le sue vittime: tutte donne, prive di qualsiasi relazione una con l’altra. Andy Brewster, ex commando dello Special Air Service britannico, è ora un agente di polizia sotto copertura, in squadra conBurgess, esperto artificiere. Insieme, Brewster e Burgess ingaggiano una lotta contro il tempo per evitare che l’assassino colpisca ancora. Solo che tutto è più difficile quando i sentimenti si mettono di mezzo. 

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Popularity: 25% [?]

Posted in Giallo (serie regolare), Le collane del Giallo

5 Responses

  1. Kurt Dehn

    Delle uscite del mese mi sembra quello con il plot più intrigante.
    Qualcuno è in grado di dare qualche informazione sull’autrice?

  2. Dario Geraci

    Directly from, qualche notizia sull’autrice:

    Carol Smith started her publishing career as a secretary at Thames & Hudson. At that stage she wanted to write and publishing seemed a good way to get into the right circles. Later she went to New York and worked for two years at Basic Books doing a wide range of jobs before returning to England for a spell at Heinemann followed by fifteen months in the Story Department of M.G.M., which involved sitting in an armchair reading new novels all day and taking publishers and agents to expensive lunches.
    By now it was clear she would never make it as a writer – everyone else did it so much better and besides, there were already far too many of them – so she decided instead she would like to become a Literary Agent. At A.P. Watt & Son, the oldest agency in the world, she handled short stories, journalism, television plays and new writers and really developed a taste for contemporary fiction and first novels in particular.
    In 1976 she left Watt to start her own agency with a handful of writers, at that time mainly unknown but who included Peter Straub. When Carol did her first deal for over a million dollars for Straub’s novel, Ghost Story, she celebrated by buying herself a diamond ring. She continued to do so for every million dollar deal. Within a year, she had acquired two more so that the joke amongst the publishing scene was that people would grab her hand at parties and ask: “How’re ya doing?”. Carol went on to buy an opal ring (her birth stone) for the sale of her first novel. Other clients include Sarah Harrison whose Flowers In The Field was a bestseller and the subject of a BBC TV documentary.
    Carol’s love of food and entertaining is strongly apparent in Darkening Echoes and in her career. She represents Katie Stewart and Clarissa Dickson-Wright and has, in the past, represented Madhur Jaffrey, Ken Hom, Antonio Carluccio, The Cooking Canon and Susan Hicks (the BBC Fish Series cook).
    Carol has synaesthesia, the condition which means that she sees words as colours. Synaesthetics are inclined to “unusual” experiences like deja vu and clairvoyance and indeed, Carol has had psychic experienc

  3. Luca Conti

    Non più giovanissima, londinese, ex agente letterario, ha già pubblicato 12 romanzi.

    Se, a giudicare dalla trama, si tratta di “Without Warning”, l’ho letto in inglese un paio di anni fa. L’idea di partenza non sarebbe male, come ha subito colto Kurt, ma il libro si basa in larga parte su una serie di assunti – uno, in particolare – che chiunque abbia la minima esperienza di metropolitane (e non parlo del Tube londinese, basta quella di Milano) capisce subito quanto poco fossero credibili nel 2005. E qui, ovviamente, mi fermo.

  4. Kurt Dehn

    Grazie Dario!
    Questo sì che è servizio…

    Ringrazio anche Luca, sarei curioso di chiedergli maggiori informazioni, ma capisco che non possiamo dilungarci in questa sede a raccontare la trama.

  5. Jessicacork

    beautiiful blog merciiiiii

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